Ex-Girlfriend Club
Bang Myungsoo, a webtoon creator fell in love again with his soulmate Kim Soojin, a clueless movie Director. But it is all what life potray, you fell with someone you have seen your whole life. And it become the most treasured time just because it's love.Some even say love strat anywhere, anytime with anyone it want. Though people try to control the thing call love, but no one has manage to do it, except the love for Him. For Him the love can be send in a massive value or the minimalist. But for me, the love for Him should not be measured, cause He never measure His love towards us, He gives love endlessly and it always cherish us even after death, then why do we could even think to not love Him...? We say we human are weak, but at the same time we say he perfected us as creatures whom roam freely the world He created. I would never imagine what it would be like.... to loose the love He give....
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