He's not online yet! But I'm scared! What did I send him just now!!!? I don't know!!! Well yeah I got to do something to know him well but I think that was the most stupidest Idea that a human might come up with! Such a dumb! All I wanted to do is to know him better so that I won't be in love with him without knowing the truth but now! I don't know! I might be so damn stupid to think it that way! There's no way that he might be reading this, coz I don't put my blog in FB anymore but if he happens to read this, please don't laugh~ This is so not me! Asking it from a guy that I barely meet! Wah! Scary! this is scarier than having a fight with pieju!!! Oh no this 100% scarier than that!
Keep refreshing my profile to see whether he see that stupid message of mine! He got so many fans but why do am I so stupid??! Owh! You big fat Girl! You're supposed to let it go! He's not in your league! He's beyond it! but he's so cute! I just want to take him home and put him in a clear crystal box! Pervert!!!! oooo what to do? he didn't come to our last gathering last week! TT waiting to see him! I finally able to talk with his friends thanks to Fuzaa but! I don't know! Why is he so cute all of a sudden! He's not really my type but that's the problem!!! I'm going crazy over him!!! So cute! Well not as cute as Junhyung-oppa but still!!!
I'm losing it TT TT TT!!!
Somebody! HELP!!!